Citizens Advice on Prescription Liverpool aims to improve mental health and wellbeing by supporting patients with non-medical issues that may impact their health.
We can provide practical information, advice and ongoing support to patients who are experiencing problems such as housing, employment, welfare benefits, rising debts, money management and other practical matters.
This confidential service is available to any inpatient and outpatient in Liverpool.
Citizens Advice on Prescription Liverpool is a social prescribing service available to health professionals working within primary and secondary care in Liverpool.
It is a treatment option that helps patients work towards debt reduction, financial stability, better housing and employment conditions, and reduced social isolation. It also provides a wellbeing service that aims to combat loneliness and isolation in our community.
We give a helping hand to patients whose circumstances make them vulnerable to mental distress.
This includes patients with:
long-term health problems or disabilities 
people who are living with a diagnosis of cancer  
people with acute respiratory conditions
parents of young children who are struggling to make ends meet 
people who are unemployed or in low paid jobs 
those who care for others but need support themselves
By providing this service we are able to reduce the number of patients presenting with problems that can be solved with practical support. 
The service is made up of two linked but distinct parts:  
Referrals are simple for health professionals.
Once authorised, referrers will be provided with a link to a desktop icon that reads
Our team carries out an assessment within two working days (or sooner if necessary). Regular reports on outcomes and benefits relating to referrals are provided.
Enhanced Citizens Advice Support, providing practical (anti-poverty) support to vulnerable patients on matters such as welfare benefits, debt and housing, and employment. See video (above right) for more information.  
The Wellbeing Link Worker Service, a pathway to health-enhancing activities and community services, including confidence-building, training, volunteering and access to employment opportunities.
Find out more about this service.
Our link workers meet with patients, and together, they create a personalised wellbeing plan – a plan that works for the individual. Patients are then linked to activities and services in their communities – services that reduce isolation and support them to lead their best lives. 
We also offer dedicated support to the following priority health areas: 
Mental health  
Respiratory conditions  
Cancer support  
Perinatal support - see video 
Find out more about how we can help patients with these priority conditions.

Patsy's Story
Patsy was referred to Citizens Advice Liverpool for Wellbeing Link Worker Support
Read more about how Patsy became less anxious thanks to support from her Link Worker.

Peggy was referred to Citizens Advice Liverpool for Advice on Prescription
Read more about how Peggy felt "very lucky" to be cared for by our Link Workers.

John was referred to Citizens Advice Liverpool for Advice on Prescription
Read more about how our practical support helped John transform his life.
Peggy's Story
John's Story
